Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Humans are so few.

Earth, named after the soil on the planets surface. 
There are many things in our world that need attention. Things that are not true, things that one can wonder if they are a part of som kind of conspiracy. I am not much of a believer in conspiracy theories, to me they most often just seem quite silly. But there is one thing.

The number of humans on this planet. How many are we now? Today is Tuesday the 27 of mars 2018 and the estimate is 7.611.072.000 humans on the planet.  This planet named by us as Earth. The general idea is that that is a lot, that the world is over populated, that we are far to many humans living on the planet. That we should be a lot less, that this outrageous number of people is wrong and we have completely derailed when it comes to making new babies. 

Well actually this is false, this is wrong. I was born in 1958 and I remember my school years in the beginning of the 70'ties, during that time the general consensus was that the population explosion on the planet was harmful and needed to be stopped. This idea was taught in school, broadcasted on television, talked about in all debates and seen as an axiom. 

So where would 7.611.072.000 people fit, what kind of number is that, what country would we need to give every single one of us humans a room to live. Well we could place all the rooms side by side, but say - if we built towers like Burj Khalifa, 828 meter high 164 floors, we could very nice fit all humans in a smal country like Denmark and still have lots of space left for gardens and so on. Well I do not propose this to be realistic, just taking this as an example.

By now 03:09 the population is up into 7.611.075.000 humans living on Earth. So say how big a room would we get if we put all the rooms side by side in Denmark? And I tell you, it is not a very big country, very very nice and the people are fantastic but not very big. Denmark have 43.560.000.000 m² divided by 7.611.075.000 gives 5,723 m², not a very big room, but you will fit. So all of humankind do fit in a small country like Denmark. Not practically possible but...

Denmark is full - and the rest of the entire world is empty of humans. If you travel you will see that the reality is, most of the planet is empty of people as it is now. The reason it seems like we are so many is simply that people like to travel where other people lives. So we get together. We get the feeling there are people everywhere but that is just because we stick together. Really there is a lot of lot of lot of space for everyone. 

So what is the problem? Resources. With the way we live we are not able to give everyone a brand new car, a new telephone every year, a television set, a gigantic house, and all the other things we crave to fill our empty lives with. We use far more resources then the planet have with the way we live. We would need five or six planets filled with minerals and other stuff to be able to live the way we do now for any length of time. So we have a limited time to live like this - or most of the people will have to do without.

Ah - that is a good idea, and ops, already done. Only the rich people in the early industrialised world, Europe, the US have those things - or were alone to have. So game change if we are to survive an apocalyptic retreat into a dark age. What is the answer? I myself think people have to become politicians, (the word politics coming out of Greek meaning to build a city), we need to engage in how to build the world we live in, in a sustainable way, and we need to become gardeners. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018


CR Lama in Bodh Gaya
I was sitting on the floor of a bedroom on Rörstrandsgatan in Stockholm. I was the driver and attendant of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche on his visit, teaching and giving initiations in Stockholm Sweden. 

As I sat there on the floor turned towards Rinpoche and he sitting in his wheel chair he looked at me and uttered a few words. “Nirvana is tree words in Sanskrit, nir-va-djna, literally meaning without wrong thoughts.” That was all. But as so often a word, a glance, a sentence can contain a seed of profound instruction. I grasped quite well the meaning behind those words as he spoke them. 

Over the years they have had a deep impact on me and I in someway feel those words were meant for me as a personal instruction. There were others in the room, but as I looked at them it seemed like no one had heard him except me. No one reacted and the moment was over very quickly, a few seconds.

So who is CR Lama, who is Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche? He is the reincarnation of Shariputra, the closest student of Buddha Shakyamuni. Not much else need to be said. Though it is a great story to hear about his other lives and the things he did. Very inspiring. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Muhammed, the warrior prophet.

An article from Historynet telling about Muhammad as the general and warrior. It is written by Richard A. Gabriel, a military historian and adjunct professor at the Royal Military College of Canada, has authored forty-one books. His latest is Muhammad: Islam’s First Great General (Oklahoma University Press, 2007). An important text in the religious debate, but unfortunately banned on Facebook. 

 Muhammed, the warrior prophet.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Same old, same old...

Sun on my altar
Days pass one after the other. Sleeping late, very late, or rather early morning. Most often five in the morning I fall asleep as fatigue takes me over. 

Today I had a most sad report from a friend, it has marked my day, I love him dearly. In fact when I think about others, when I think about Love or Life or Humans I just Love. I can find no rational reason for my feelings.

It is hard to be Nils Eldor, a person who can not find it in him to hate anyone. I will not brag, and it is not bragging, I just sometimes think that if anyone could see inside my being, inside my mind, inside my head and the marvel of warmth there is, the kindness, the silence, the intelligence. And yes, that is so for everyone is it not? :D 

Such a clarity that nothing can be hidden or stowed away for long. My Lama say I Live in a constant experience of non-duality and that I know everything. Well that is not so at all, yes the non-duality is there but I do not know everything, I just have few barriers to the world, there is an openness there, a vast landscape, open skies, open plains, a view, so much space. And yes, that is so for everyone is it not? :D 

Calm deep breaths, heart that beats, perfect eyesight and feeling every little inch of my body. Feeling my teeth fastened to my skull, the fingernails to my fingers, feeling everything. And yes, that is so for everyone is it not? :D 

Same old, same old... I sit here in my little room, a small toilet, a small kitchenette, a fridge, a window with a small balcony, in a large house in a small park. A park that have every tree growing in the northern temperate hemisphere. And I wait, wait for the time when I am free to go, to roam the world. Often I wonder how much more time we have before the greed of the industrial capitalist and the stupidity of people have destroyed this world. 
The bearded man

I am getting bored, or am I? Not sure I can get bored. I have patience like an old stone under the trees in the forest. I can sit and just be for days, just watching time pass, morning, midday and the sun setting. I Love to see the light grow dim, dusk and the night arriving.

Soon my fast starts again. I am turning 60 this year, in August. As time passes and life is longer the only true thing I have found to do is to make things with my hands, to meet people, to Love people, to travel and take part in what others create. The meaning of Life is to be happy. To find that inner center of great Joy. The heart that the world revolves around. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Child Human.

Mother India
I wrote something today on a reply to the idea of the Abrahamic paradise, that "paradise" is the goal to aim for, I would like to share what I wrote. Most often, or rather always I don't think out what to write, it just arrives as if I had nothing to do with it.

..., dear friend. On this I do not agree, in fact I strongly disagree with it. And difference of opinion are to be meet in peace and friendship.

In old India, when two teachers meet for debate the one who lost the debate became the student of the victor and all of his students also became the students of the person who had greater wisdom. Unfortunately that is not so in Religion any more, today everyone wage war when they loose a debate, that or never enter a true discussion at all.

Imagine something very different. Human kind is a species of being who came into existence on a planet that circle around a Star in a galaxy in one of the many universes. Humans are very young, just born out of the mother Earth.

Earth, soil is the life of this planet, a planet on which all things live in a perfect balance of birth life and death. All things on this planet is dependent on all others, on the soil we walk on. Without this planet, without the life around us we go into the darkness.

We are just born as a species. We are children and as children we fight and bicker about just everything.

Growing up
So what is our future? We could grow up to become adult humans, we could learn responsibility and honesty, we could end wars and confusion. The key to doing so is to understand that the thoughts in a persons head is a part of the sensory organs and is not YOU. Thoughts are a kind of residue of the process of the sensory organs, gathering information about the world to make it presentable to us, understandable to us. So as this imaginary personality we carry around actually do not exist, not as we think, the EGO is an empty cocoon filled with lost dreams, with fear, with hate, with indifference. We could grow up and understand that being right about just every stupid idea we have is not going to get us anywhere, better then to stand with two feet in the soil and squarely and fairly work with others, as we are social beings. No one can survive alone.

As adults we could make this world into a paradise, into a garden of "Eden", but will we ever manage to become adults? Will we like children without adult supervision end our life in a cataclysm of stupidity?

As adults we could travel the stars. We could bring in an era of peace and prosperity, of unity and clarity. We are Gods, but will we ever take up the potential the human race is, or will we go into oblivion, will we disappear as a race under the burden of ignorance?

My brother, in all honesty the religions of this world are responsible for much of the confusion we now have, or one could say humans have expressed their confusion in the way they create and maintain religion. This do not mean spirituality and mysticism is not a reality.

But we have to understand that the myths and stories of old are just that, myths and stories and nothing else. And they prevent us from becoming Adults.

Eldor Alterskjær 
Tulku Yeshe Trögyal 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A break in the fast.

It is day 8 in the morning and I will have to take a break from the fasting. I have a vicious urinary tract infection that do not heal, took antibiotics before I started but it do not heal, will have to go to the doc tomorrow and start up on another cure.

Last time I had it I ended up in blood poisoning and an hour to live, 6 days in intensive care, I do not want that again. So will get going with the fast after I have got well.   Not very happy about it, the fast is going so well this time. Soon soon soon I will be back.